Pokemon GO
îöéâ úåöàåú 1 òã 9 îúåê 9
  1. Retired
    úàøéê äöèøôåú: Oct 2008
    ùí: Ashar
    äåãòåú: 18,344
    îôðé ùàðé øåöä ìùðåú ëéåðé , ðàìöúé ìòùåú ñé÷åø òì äùéø äàäåá òìéé áéåúø
    Get Jinxed!

    ÷åãí ëì îé æàú Jinx?
    ãîåú äîâðéáä áéåúø áLeague of Legends.
    åäéà ðøàú ëê

    òì â'éð÷ñ áëììé:
    îàåôééðú ëàçú ùôåøòú çå÷ åñãø

    òëùéå ùåàìéí àú òöîëí îä ä÷ùø áéðä ìáéï ôåøåí îåæé÷ä?
    àæ æäå ùìàçøåðä éöà ÷ìéô òí îåæé÷ú äôúéçä ùìä ùàðé îàåã àäáúé äðä äåà :

    ùãø"à æä ñøèåï òí äëé äøáä öôéåú îëì îåæé÷ú ôúéçä àçøú áLOL åæä éöà ø÷ ìôðé ôçåú îùáåò.

    îéìéí ìùéø :
    Blah blah blablah.

    [Verse 1]
    Wanna join me, come and play.
    But I might shoot you, in your face.
    Bombs and bullets will, do the trick.
    What we need here, is a little bit of panic!

    Do you ever wanna catch me?
    Right now I'm feeling ignored!
    So can you try a little harder?
    I'm really getting bored!

    Come on, shoot faster,
    Just a little bit of energy!
    I wanna try something fun right now,
    I guess some people call it anarchy!

    Let's blow this city to ashes,
    And see what Pow-Pow thinks.
    It's such pathetic neatness,
    But not for long 'cause it'll get jinxed!

    [Verse 2]

    Let's start from scratch and, blow up the sun!

    Come on, shoot faster,
    Just a little bit of energy!
    I wanna try something fun right now,
    I guess some people call it anarchy!

    Let's blow this city to ashes,
    And see what Pow-Pow thinks.
    It's such pathetic neatness,
    But not for long 'cause it'll get jinxed!

    îé æàú â'éð÷ñ áòöí? îä äñéôåø ùòåîã àçåøéä? äáéìéåâøôéä ùìä áàðâìéú îìåì åé÷é :
    Jinx lives to wreak havoc without a thought for consequence, leaving a trail of mayhem and panic in her wake. A manic and impulsive criminal, she despises nothing more than boredom, and gleefully unleashes her own volatile brand of pandemonium to the one place she finds dullest: Piltover. With an arsenal of deadly toys, she unleashes the brightest explosions and loudest blasts - all the better to shock and surprise the hapless authorities. Always just out of the law's reach, Jinx's favorite game is to toy with Piltover's finest - especially  Vi.
    Piltover had long been known as the City of Progress, a place where peace and order reigned. That serenity was challenged when a new kind of criminal arrived, the likes of whom had never been seen. This mysterious outlaw unleashed a series of warped and destructive capers that endangered the entire city, and left its people reeling from the worst crime spree in Piltover's history.
    As the string of crimes without rhyme or reason hit the city, sightings of the lawbreaker emerged. Though the young woman's origins were a mystery, some saw traces of Piltover hextech in her firearms, while others described the street fashions of Zaun in her dress. Because her arrival always brought trouble with it, those who crossed her path soon gave her a name: Jinx.
    Jinx's rampage escalated.  Caitlyn - the sheriff of Piltover - responded by declaring a state of emergency and organizing a city-wide manhunt. In typical Jinx fashion, the criminal marked the Piltover treasury, the city's most secure building, with a direct challenge to its most abrasive officer. With a caricature of Vi's face splashed across the treasury's facade, and with a time and date of her supposed raid, Jinx was openly daring the enforcer to stop her from robbing it.
    Determined to put the troublemaker behind bars, Vi watched and waited outside the treasury until Jinx's time had finally come. True to her scrawled promise, the smiling menace showed her face. Knowing this was her chance to capture the outlaw, Vi gave chase into the building's interior. She smashed through wall after wall to chase down Jinx, who giggled as she lit up the evacuated treasury with fiery explosions. Vi finally cornered the criminal inside the vault, but Jinx wasn't done just yet. With a maniacal laugh, she fired a barrage of rockets, bringing the entire building down upon them both.
    When Vi finally crawled out of the ruins, the battered enforcer found no trace of Jinx. Adding insult to injury, not a single ounce of gold had been taken from the ruined vault. Instead, the criminal left a parting message to her favorite officer of the law - a challenge only now visible through the gaping opening in Piltover's skyline. The lights of the city spelled out a simple taunt: you'll never catch me. As Vi read the message, she heard the distant laughter of her new nemesis, and the city plunged into utter darkness for the very first time.
    îùôèéí ùîàôééðéí àåúä :
    Oh look - I'm opening my box of care! Oh wait - it's empty!
    Rules are made to be broken... like buildings! Or people!"
    "I feel like I forgot to shoot something..."
    æîøú äùéø :
    Agnete Kjølsrud ( ìà îëéø àåúä åìà îùòúé òìéä áçééí )

    ðìåãä á : ðåøååâéä
    úàøéê ìéãä : 1.12.1976 ( áú 36 )
    ñâåï îåæé÷ä : îèàìéú ëáãä

    î÷ååä ùàäáúí!
    ëé àðé àäáúé~~

  2. ìà áøåø áëìì
    úàøéê äöèøôåú: Mar 2010
    ùí: tAlon
    äåãòåú: 25,632
    æä ðøàä îàåã ëîå èøåì àáì ìîòùä äùéø îîù éôä, ëê âí ä÷ìéô
    äééúé îåñéó îéãò òì äæîøú ùáéöòä àú äùéø

    Spoiler ñôåéìø

  3. Retired
    úàøéê äöèøôåú: Oct 2008
    ùí: Ashar
    äåãòåú: 18,344
    öéèåè ôåøñí áî÷åø òì éãé mr. Avokado öôä áäåãòä
    æä ðøàä îàåã ëîå èøåì àáì ìîòùä äùéø îîù éôä, ëê âí ä÷ìéô
    äééúé îåñéó îéãò òì äæîøú ùáéöòä àú äùéø
    àéæä èøåì?
    áï àãí îôøñí ñé÷åø åøöä ååéðø
    èåá àðé îåñéó îéãò òì äæîøú

  4. îðäì øàùé
    úàøéê äöèøôåú: Jul 2007
    ùí: àãí
    äåãòåú: 8,132
    ùçø øàéú ôòí ëéöã òåùéí ñé÷åø òì æîø \ ùéø?
    æä îîù ìà îú÷øá ìæä. ëì îä ùòùéú æä ìé÷åè îéãò.
    úåñéó çååú ãòú àéùéú åîéãò òì äæîøú....

  5. Retired
    úàøéê äöèøôåú: Oct 2008
    ùí: Ashar
    äåãòåú: 18,344
    öéèåè ôåøñí áî÷åø òì éãé peterpan öôä áäåãòä
    ùçø øàéú ôòí ëéöã òåùéí ñé÷åø òì æîø \ ùéø?
    æä îîù ìà îú÷øá ìæä. ëì îä ùòùéú æä ìé÷åè îéãò.
    úåñéó çååú ãòú àéùéú åîéãò òì äæîøú....
    àæ àðé ìà éëåì ìòùåú éåúø îæä , ìà îáéï áæä
    àôéìå ååéðø àðé ìà øåöä , ñúí ìùðåú ëéðåé

  6. òîéèøéã.
    úàøéê äöèøôåú: Mar 2011
    ùí: òîéèøéã
    äåãòåú: 7,039
    àðé îöèòø àáì áééðúéí äñé÷åø ìà òåîã áãøéùåú...

    ëîå úîéã. òîéèøéã.

  7. Retired
    úàøéê äöèøôåú: Oct 2008
    ùí: Ashar
    äåãòåú: 18,344
    àæ úðòì àðé ìà îúëååï ìäù÷éò éåúø áùáéì ñúí ååéðø îèåîèí

  8. òîéèøéã.
    úàøéê äöèøôåú: Mar 2011
    ùí: òîéèøéã
    äåãòåú: 7,039
    ððòì ìá÷ùú äôåúç ):

    ëîå úîéã. òîéèøéã.

  9. îðäì øàùé
    úàøéê äöèøôåú: Jul 2007
    ùí: àãí
    äåãòåú: 8,132
    çáì ùàúä òåùä àú æä áùáéì ååéðø... äæîøú îòðééðú àåúé àáì àúä ìà îâéù îñôé÷ îéãò.
    àðé áèåç ùàí úù÷éò îòè éåúø àðé àöìéç ì÷áì îòè éåúø ø÷ò...

îéãò òì äðåùà

îùúîùéí ùöåôéí áàùëåì

éù ëøâò 1 âåìùéí ùöåôéí áàùëåì. (0 îùúîùéí å-1 àåøçéí)


  • àúä ìà éëåì ìôøñí ðåùàéí çãùéí
  • àúä ìà éëåì ìôøñí úâåáåú
  • àúä ìà éëåì ìöøó ÷áöéí ìäåãòåúéê
  • àúä ìà éëåì ìòøåê àú äåãòåúéê